& Growth
You got your Company accounts ready and business is up and running. What other compliances that the Company needs to be aware of?
Having trouble getting updated on latest changes on payroll? Having issue tracking and preparing payroll information of your business?
Do you know that employers are required to calculate Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) / Potongan Cukai Bulanan (PCB) for employees, if eligible?
Don’t worry, our team of payroll professionals will be able to assist your business preparation of monthly payroll information and statutory submissions.
Our fees start from RM300 per month for 3 employees. Do enquire further for large headcounts for further discount.
How can we assist you?
- Preparation of monthly payslips
- Computation of Monthly Tax Deduction / Potongan Cukai Bulanan (PCB)
- Statutory submission to statutory bodies (KWSP, SOCSO, EIS, PCB)