Steps To Make Payment for PCB Via MyTax E-PCB Plus

1. Login to MyTax portal at


2. Change role selection to Employer of your company


3. Go to ezHasil Services -> e-PCB Plus -> e-PCB Plus


4. Under Dashboard tab, scroll down, under To-Do-List click Confirmation.


5. Please check all the details and proceed to payment


6. Choose your relevant payment method

Refer to 7. (i) if you select FPX
Refer to 7. (iI) if you select Banking Services


7. (i) Click FPX


Fill in bank details accordingly, tick the box for terms & conditions, and click proceed

Then it will bring you to the relevant internet banking website.


7.(ii) Fill in the details accordingly.


Then you may login to your online banking website and made payment to the details as below.

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