Steps To Submit PCB Via MyTax E-PCB Plus

1. Login to MyTax portal at


2. Change role selection to Employer of your company


3. Go to ezHasil Services -> e-PCB Plus -> e-PCB Plus


4. Go to Employee -> Employee Group -> Add Employee Group


5. Key in relevant details and click add (Eg : Director / Staff).


6. Go to Services -> e-PCB


7. Select relevant employee group, year & month for the period you would like to submit your PCB, then click save.


8. Click Add Employee and select the employee that you would like to submit.

9. Select Calculate PCB

10. To tick this box if the employee has employment income in the months prior to the current month, in the same year.

(Eg This should not be ticked in Jan PCB calculation as it is First Month of the year / This should not be tick for new staff in the month who has NO employment income prior to the current month in the year)

Refer to 11. (i) if you tick the box

Refer to 11. (ii) if you do not tick the box

If you tick the box

11. (i) Kindly update the details accordingly.

Child details

Payroll details for previous month in the year

Tax relief for previous month, if any

Payroll details for current month

Additional remuneration for the month, if any

Tax relief for current month, if any

Tax rebate for current month, if any

If you do not tick the box

  1. (ii) Kindly update the details accordingly.

Child details

Payroll details for current month

Additional remuneration for the month, if any

Tax relief for current month, if any

Tax rebate for current month, if any

12. After update the details, click calculate & save

13. Click Print if you wish to print / save the report.

14. Then click Back to return to main page.

15. Under responsible officer, check information in Name, Email, Phone number & Identification number box whether are correct, and fill in the designation box.

16. If the information as above is incorrect, you can amend the information under profile

17. Update the details accordingly and click save

18. After you have confirmed, click next for submission

19. Click Confirmation.

20. Click Print and save the slip for your safekeeping

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